Educational interpreting: A dynamic role model

  • Herculene Kotzé School of Languages, Potchefstroom Campus, North-West University
Keywords: translation, interpreting, educational interpreting, role, role fulfilment, role model


This article aims to describe the challenges faced by educational interpreters within a professional context with regard to role fulfilment and existing role models. This will be carried out by exploring the notions of ‘roles’ and ‘norms’ within Translation Studies (which includes interpreting) and investigating how these relate to and influence educational interpreting. The article will offer findings emanating from an extensive study and, by adopting a normative approach, provide an adapted role model specifically designed for educational interpreting. 


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How to Cite
Kotzé, H. (2014). Educational interpreting: A dynamic role model. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus, 43, 127-145.