Space, place, and power in South African writing centres: Special issue in honour of Sharifa Daniels

Keywords: space, place, power, writing centre, higher education, academic literacies


A writing center cannot define itself as a space—we’re often kicked out of our spaces. It’s not a pedagogy. We’re always re-articulating our pedagogy. It’s certainly not an academic department. It crosses all disciplines. A writing center does not produce a text—the texts in writing centers are unfinished. And we don’t own the texts our students create; those texts are cross-curricular, cross-linguistic, cross-discursive.(Sunstein 1998: 8–9)


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How to Cite
Richards, R., Lackay, A.-M., & Delport, S. (2019). Space, place, and power in South African writing centres: Special issue in honour of Sharifa Daniels. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus, 57, i-xiv.