Die Sprachenvielfalt und die Medienstrategien in Algerien

  • Aoussine Seddiki Sektion Germanistik, Abteilung für angelsächsische Sprachen, Fakultät für Literatur, Sprachen und Künste – Universität Oran


The audio-visual media represents one of the main vehicles of internationalisation of our time. Suchinternationalisation is encouraged by the use of English, as well as by a specific focus on variousethnic groups in the development of media and programs that topicalise language. In various countriesand different regions of the world, particular importance is attached to a number of aspects of culturaland linguistic variation within the framework of processing information. Experts try to useinternational languages, particularly English, French, Arabic, Spanish, German, and Chinese, for thepurpose of reaching the masses. At the same time, there is special interest in the African languages(Swahili, Luo, Urdu, Wolof, Berber, and Afrikaans, for example) in the respective areas. In Algeriathis strategy towards internationalisation is adopted as well modes of the media, such as television,broadcasting, newspapers and the internet.Keywords: language variety, media strategy, print media, radio, televisionSchlüsselbegriffe: Sprachenvielfalt, Medienstrategie, Printmedien, Radio, Fernseh


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How to Cite
Seddiki, A. (2012). Die Sprachenvielfalt und die Medienstrategien in Algerien. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus, 38. https://doi.org/10.5842/38-0-65
II. Multilingualism in public discourse | Mehrsprachigkeit im öffentlichen Sprachgebrauch