Sprachvermittlung und Spracherwerb in Afrika. Deutsch nach Englisch im südafrikanischen Kontext: Theorie und Praxis

  • Anne Baker Department of German, Faculty of Humanities, University of Johannesburg


Teaching foreign languages in a multilingual context, such as one finds in South African schools,poses unique questions. The theory that pedagogically underpins and articulates the value of the studyof foreign languages is internationally established and thus also valid in the South African context.Nevertheless, one has to consider language constellations in given multilingual circumstances inplanning for the introduction and development of foreign languages in education, particularly wherethe primary language of learners is not a language of instruction and learning. This paper addresses thequestion of the desirability of teaching German as a foreign language to learners whose language oflearning is not their first language and who have not yet mastered this language on an enabling level.Keywords Schlüsselbegriffe : Multilingualismus, Sprachenkonstellation, metalinguistisches und linguistischesBewusstsein, sozio-ökonomische Verhältnisse: multilingualism, language-constellation, metalinguistic and linguistic awareness, socioeconomicrelationships


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How to Cite
Baker, A. (2012). Sprachvermittlung und Spracherwerb in Afrika. Deutsch nach Englisch im südafrikanischen Kontext: Theorie und Praxis. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus, 38. https://doi.org/10.5842/38-0-49
IV. Second language acquisition in multilingual contexts | Zweitspracherwerb unter Mehrsprachigkeitsbedingungen